Friday, March 7, 2008

Jockey Darryl Bradley suspended for four months

NZTR reports that an Inquiry was held on Friday by the Judicial Control Authority (JCA) at the offices of New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) in Petone, Wellington following an investigation into a telephone call made by Jockey Darryl Bradley for making a verbal offer by telephone to a representative of the insurance brokerage firm Fraser McAndrew Ryan Limited in Dunedin.
Bradley’s purpose in making the telephone call was to seek money or some other benefit in the event Eel Win won the Southland Guineas on 16 February 2008, thereby saving the insurance company paying a $100,000 bonus.
An investigation was opened in response to a complaint lodged by Gallop South on Tuesday, 12 February 2008. NZTR Chief Stipendiary Steward, Cameron George, formally charged Bradley on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 with a Serious Racing Offence under Rule 1001 (1) (v) (i), namely ‘does or permits or suffers to be done any act which a Judicial Committee deems…detrimental to the interests of racing.’
Bradley pleaded guilty to the charge.
Greg King, Counsel for Bradley, and Cameron George, for NZTR, made submissions to the JCA Inquiry.
Pursuant to Rule 1001 (1) (v) (i) the JCA disqualified Bradley for four months.
This disqualification starts on Monday, 10 March 2008 and expires on Wednesday 9 July 2008.

The Big G

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